In this vlog, I am sharing my top 8 tips to help you live a healthy life, amidst a global pandemic! For those of you who like seeing things written, here are the 8 tips I discuss (in far more detail) on the vlog! P.S. There's a special visitor on the vlog... ;)
Define your why. Why do you want to be healthy? Dig deep and flesh out your reasons.
Start small. Don’t overwhelm yourself with changes. This is an abnormal time in life. Give yourself grace, and simply make small adjustments.
Create a routine that strikes the equilibrium between challenging yet manageable.
Always remember, discipline trumps motivation. There will be times where you simply don’t want to do these moments, lean into discipline.
Prioritize Sleep. At this time, I think most of our sleep schedules have changed. You may be staying up later and sleeping in later. Enjoy more rest (!!!) and be fine with a different sleep schedule. Sleep is the key to maintaining healthy habits. However, don’t neglect sleep hygiene. Continue to keep your bed for solely sleeping, not for eating, working, or watching shows. (I'm talking to myself as much as y’all! This is a hard one, but it is so beneficial to overall well-being!
Use a habit tracker. Write down what you want to get done each day. Writing down behavior goals and keeping them in front of you helps hold you accountable. (See my habit tracker below).
Take control. How you respond to this situation is a choice. You can wallow, or you can choose to feel all the feelings for a period of time, and then brush yourself off, and keep moving forward with gratitude. As John Piper says, “Occasionally weep deeply over the life you hoped would. be. Grieve the losses. Then wash your face. Trust God. And embrace the life you have.” When automatic thoughts come into your thoughts, replace them with the truth. Refuse to let them become a cognitive behavior or distortion.
Find accountability! Ask your spouse, roommate, friend, or family member to hold you accountable to your desired habit change. Consider even asking them to join you in your pursuit of health!
And above all, continue to pray for healthy habit change. Pray for discipline. Pray for joy. Pray to keep your routine. Cover it all in prayer!
I'm rooting for you! Much love, friends!
*This is my habit tracker. It is an 8.5in x 11in notepad with 50 pages. If you are interested in buying one ($25), send me a message!