**Please review the "4 Month Workout Series" blog post prior to starting.
Slow jog in place, 45 seconds
Walking knee hug (7 each way)
Cross-body shoulder stretch, 7 each way
Side lunge, 7 each way
5 inchworms
Workout - 10 Moves back-to-back (1 minute each), 2 sets
*Try not to stop until the 10 minutes is up. **use weights
Alternating lunges
Squat with a kettlebell swing
Hip hinges
Squat with leg lift with a resistant band on thighs
Pulsing glute bridge
Fire hydrants with a resistant band around the thighs, 30 seconds each side (no weight)
Single-leg Deadlift (switch legs after 30 seconds)
Sumo Squats
Curtsey lunge + leg lift with a resistance band on thigh
Kickbacks (on all fours) with a resistance band around ankle and foot, 30 seconds each side (no weight)